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A native Australian flower with the text 'Australia can become a global champion of peace'

Raising Peace ANZAC Day 2024 statement

Australia can become a global champion of peace


The members of Raising Peace believe that the best way to honour the memory of those who died in war is to dedicate Australia to the path of peace.

Read the full statement here.

Raising Peace…

Celebrating peace and the people and organisations working for peace.

Promoting dialogue about issues related to peace.

Creating positive engagement in the ongoing process of peace.

Who are we?

Raising Peace is an alliance of more than 30 organisations that together are working to share ideas, knowledge and inspiration for a peaceful world.

The Raising Peace Network celebrates and raises the profile of peace, peacemaking and nonviolence. We have a strong belief in the ability of people and countries to prioritise peacemaking, to sustain peace and to work for a future where violence and war is no longer an acceptable way to settle conflict. We acknowledge the peaceful existence of First Nations peoples across Australia before colonisation and into the present.

Through our activities we unite peacemakers to learn from and support each other and to educate the community about peace, in all its forms.

Read more about Raising Peace here.

Donate to Raising Peace

The Raising Peace Festival is run by volunteers.
We welcome any donations to support our work,
including running our events and managing the website.

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